Are you wondering if winter is a good time for a roof inspection? Maybe you are tempted to put it off until the warmer months. That may not be the best idea!

Consider the benefits of getting a professional roof inspection in Rockford during the cold season.

Finding Hidden Storm Damage

According to ORG, homeowners should ideally get a roof inspection after every storm to ensure there is no damage that may lead to bigger issues - that's a lot of effort to go through after every winter or summer storm. A good fallback option for most is to check out your roof and walk the property grounds as best you can to assess for damage. Later you can get a once or twice-yearly roof inspection by a roofer so you have a better idea of your properties' condition.

However, it's easy to overlook the importance of getting a roof inspection completed in the winter months. The weather is cold. Even if there is damage to the roof, you likely won't see any leaks until the temperatures start rising in the spring. 

Winter is the best time to get that roof inspection completed. Why?

Because this is a great time to catch any storm damage before your roof starts leaking as temps rise. You can also get necessary roof repairs completed on warmer, clear days without worry about rain impacting the work.

Getting a Great Deal on Roof Work

Even better, if your roof does need work, you may be able to score a better deal on it in the winter. It's hard for roofers to keep their work schedules filled during winter, so they offer lower rates, discounts, and are much more available than in the summer. It's also a great time to get a roof replacement completed, especially early in winter or near the end of it.

Find Out More About a Professional Roof Inspection & Estimate from Huskie Exteriors

Interested in learning more about the benefits of winter roof inspections? Call Huskie Exteriors to speak with a local Rockford roofing specialist. We'll be happy to set up a roof inspection to take a look at your property after a storm.

Our full-service remodeling company also works on:

  • Roofing
  • Siding
  • Windows
  • Storm Damage
  • Gutters

You can also fill out our online form with questions about our financing, warranties, or free roofing estimates.